Acidic lemon
Essential oleoresin
In a 1:3 ratio, combine the baking soda and citric acid for the preparation process.
Include 30–40 drops of an aromatic oil (e.g., mint, lemon, orange, etc.).
To get a consistency similar to clay, slowly add water.
You may paint it with food dye if you want.
Then, after a day of drying, shape the mixture into balls.
You may use these balls as diffusers in various rooms of your house.
All-Natural Citrus Aromatherapy Air Fresheners
The ingredients for this substitute include essential oils, citric acid, and baking soda.
In a 1:3 ratio, mix the baking soda and citric acid for the preparation process.
Drop in 30–40 drops of peppermint, lemon, or orange essential oil, or whatever scent you choose.
Combine well, then add water slowly, if needed, until the mixture reaches a consistency similar to clay.
You may add food colorant if you like.
You should be able to roll the mixture into balls without them falling flat.
Before you use the balls as an all-natural air freshener, let them dry for at least 24 hours.
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