Chances are you’ve already been a victim of holes in your clothes. If not, I congratulate you on acquiring the wealth to not have to wear the same clothes over and over again until they threaten to fall apart.
However, for the majority of us mere mortals, it is quite common to find holes in our favorite t-shirts or dresses.
That’s not to say it’s not annoying, but you get used to it after a while. At least that’s what I did. In fact, there have been countless mornings where I’ve put on a T-shirt before work and noticed a number of tiny holes that have left me with a very real problem: Should I wear the shirt and hope no one notices? Or should I throw it away and accept defeat?
This is why I decided to take a closer look at these mysterious holes, their causes and how to avoid them.
Let’s start with the cause. Unsurprisingly, the list of things that can leave holes in your clothes is long and varied. Moths, for example, are a well-known culprit, but not all holes are the result of moth-eaten fabric.
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