LEMON ON A BROOM, AMAZING: HERE’S WHERE YOU SHOULD START | UNIMaginable (Page 2 ) | February 22, 2025

For this trick you don’t need a whole lemon, but its juice. Before proceeding, however, the broom must be cleaned. In fact, it is a tool that we use every day but that we don’t always think about cleaning. To do this, you must knock or comb the bristles well.


Cleaning the broom should be done outdoors because it can release large amounts of dust. Think, for example, of hitting the broom against an outside wall or terrace.

Over time, setolas become rigid . This is where lemon juice comes in. Specifically, you need two or three lemons. Juice them manually or with a lemon squeezer . Next, you must heat the juice. Soaking the bristles should take about ten minutes.

Limone sulla scopa
Alternatively, you can spray some juice on the broom head, which will soften the bristles. This will enable them to pick up dirt better. The useful life of your broom will be significantly longer.

Also remember that you should always hang your broom or turn it upside down so that it lasts longer. This will not affect the ergonomics of the bristles.


Next, you need to turn the broom upside down. This will allow it to dry properly. Only then will it be possible to reuse the tool. Try it to believe it!

Next: Old-Fashioned Amish Beef and Potato Casserole

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