Magical Plants to Fight Envy: Natural and Energetic Protection (Page 2 ) | February 10, 2025

To purify your home, burn rosemary sprigs and pass the smoke through all the rooms, especially in the corners and around doors and windows.
Carry a sprig of rosemary in your pocket or purse as a protective amulet when you are surrounded by people who might be feeling envious towards you. Do this especially on days when you feel the atmosphere is heavy or in important meetings.
3. Basil: Attracting Prosperity and Blocking Envy
Basil is not only known for its culinary properties, but also for its ability to attract prosperity and block the bad intentions of those who feel envious.


How and when to use it:

Place a pot of basil near the window or at the entrance of your house to prevent envious energies from entering.
You can also place basil leaves in a container with water and let them sit in the sun for a few hours. Then, use this water to clean the floor of your house and attract positive energy. This ritual is most effective during the full moon.
4. Lavender: Calm and Energy Protection
Lavender is a plant associated with calm, but also with energy protection, which makes it ideal for those seeking peace and tranquility from envious influences.

How and when to use it:

Place sachets of dried lavender under your pillow to keep negative energies away while you sleep.
For added protection, make a sachet with lavender, rue and rosemary, and always carry it with you, especially when you feel that someone around you may be emanating envy. Do it in moments when you feel an intense energetic charge, such as after arguments or conflicts.
5. Sage: Deep Cleansing and Protection
Sage is known for its ability to deeply cleanse spaces, removing any trace of envy or bad vibes.


How and when to use it:

Burn a bundle of sage and pass the smoke throughout your home. Focus on the corners, as this is where stagnant energies tend to accumulate. This ritual can be performed at any time, but it is especially powerful during the beginning of each month or on a new moon.
You can perform this same ritual in your business to protect yourself from envious clients or competitors.
6. Garlic: The Ancient Amulet against Envy
Garlic has been used since ancient times as a protective amulet against envy and negative energies.

How and when to use it:

Place a string of garlic on the front door of your home or business to ward off envy and bad wishes.
For personal protection, carry a clove of garlic in your purse or right pocket, especially if you have to deal with conflictive or envious people. This ritual can be done when you feel you need stronger protection.
7. Peppermint: Energy Renewal and Protection
Peppermint is ideal for renewing the environment and getting rid of any stagnant or negative energy, including envy.


How and when to use it:

Prepare a peppermint infusion and spray it in the rooms of your home to refresh and purify the space. Do it when you feel that the atmosphere at home is charged or after visits from people you perceive as envious.
You can also place fresh peppermint leaves in sachets and hang them in different parts of your house to maintain positive vibrations.
8. Laurel: The Guardian against Negative Energies
Laurel is known for its ability to block envy and attract protection to those who use it.

How and when to use it:

Place bay leaves in the corners of your home or under your bed to protect yourself from envy and bad wishes.


Next: Elevate Your Home’s Ambiance with This Perfect Blend – Preferred by Your Environmental Neighbors

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