“It is akin to the addiction that occurs when one consumes a cigarette or beverage.” I am unable to halt the process at this time; it is addictive, at least for me. Sloan stated, “I am unable to stop.” She also mentioned that she acquired her own equipment after tattoo parlors began to refuse her services due to her “incapacity.” She continued, “I keep the [tattoo] gun in the boot of my car, and I will retrieve it from any location.”
Sloan, despite her inability to secure employment, continues to have her beau administer three “prison-style” tattoos to her every week, resulting in a somewhat haphazard ink job on her face and body. She possesses over 800 tattoos.
Sloan disclosed that she was previously employed as a lavatory scrubber; however, she has since declined comparable positions.
“I am unable to secure employment.” They will not accept me. Because of my tattoos, I was denied employment as a lavatory cleaner in my hometown.Individuals have asserted that I have never held a job in my existence; however, I have only held one position, and it was brief. She continued, “However, if someone were to extend an employment offer to me tomorrow, I would accept it.”
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