The wisdom of older generations often offers us treasures of knowledge, passed down from generation to generation. Among this valuable information is an old recipe that my grandmother used to use, mixing baking soda with honey. At first glance, this combination may seem unusual, but in reality it has many health benefits and amazing applications. In this article, we’ll explore how my grandmother used this magical blend.
1. The Basic Mixture: Baking Soda and Honey
Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a versatile product commonly found in every kitchen. It is used for cooking, cleaning and even medical purposes. Honey, on the other hand, is a natural substance produced by bees, known for its antibacterial properties and health benefits.
My grandmother mixed a small amount of baking soda with honey to form a thick paste. This paste was the starting point for many of the tricks and remedies she used.
2. For Healthy Digestion
My grandmother regularly took a small teaspoon of this mixture after meals to promote healthy digestion. Baking soda can help neutralize stomach acid, while honey soothes the digestive tract. This simple combination was his favorite remedy for digestive problems.
3. Against Sore Throats and Irritations
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