“Grandpa, Natasha, and I… we’re done. She doesn’t belong here anymore.”
“And who gave you the right to decide that?” Mr. Duncan’s eyebrows rose. He glanced at me for a second with a tender look before looking back at Logan.
“Let me remind you that this house belongs to me. I’ve let you live here because you were starting a family, together,” he continued. “But if you’re going to treat Natasha like she’s disposable, you can consider yourself out. Effective immediately.”
Logan’s face went pale. “What… what are you saying?”
Mr. Duncan didn’t even blink. “I’m saying that Natasha will stay, and you will leave. Not only that but as of right now, I’m cutting you off. Consider all my money and support gone. You think you can act like this? Disrespect your wife and make our family look bad for some early midlife crisis and a 20-year-old gold digger? Not on my watch!”
“Leave now!”
Once Logan and Brenda were gone, Mr. Duncan ushered me inside and revealed why he came by in the first place. “Natasha, I heard from my son about you and Logan’s issues with fertility, and I came here to offer to pay for IVF.”
“Oh, sir,” I croaked. My emotions were finally surfacing.
“But it seems I arrived just in time to see this disaster instead. You don’t deserve any of this,” he continued, and I almost couldn’t handle his kindness.
I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Thank you, Mr. Duncan… I… I didn’t know what to do, so I just started packing my car.”
He put a reassuring hand on my shoulder while shaking his head. “No need for that. Consider this house yours. I’ll handle all the paperwork, and make it official. It’s also my apology for not raising a better grandson.”
I nodded as tears fell from my eyes.
In the days that followed, Mr. Duncan made good on his word. My name went on the deed, and Logan was cut off from his family’s money and support.
I heard through the grapevine that Brenda didn’t stick around long after she realized the bank accounts were closed off, and apparently, Logan was couch-surfing between friends.
It must have been a blow to his ego because he came crawling back only a week after that scene in my front yard.
He was still in the same clothes as that day and looked terrible.
“I made a mistake. I have nothing left. The rest of my family won’t help me. Can you please call my grandfather? He’ll listen to you,” Logan blurted with no preamble. “I can’t live like this.”
There was no apology or true remorse for what he did for me. He only regretted losing the money and influence of his family.
So, I got to say the words every person in my position wants to. “Nope! You made your bed, lie in it!” It was cliché and cruel, but believe me, it was so satisfying at that moment.
His expression changed to anger immediately, and before he could barrel some insults at me, I slammed the door in his face. I still heard his shouting, but his words rolled off me in that high from that payback.
Maybe I’ll feel bad for him later. But what did he expect? Entitled brat!
How To Make Vegetable Pancakes
7 Good Reasons to Never Throw Away Your Eggshells Again
The moment I took a bite of this recipe, I knew I had to get seconds
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I Had Bad Breath And Even My Partner Was Annoyed! With This Remedy I Eliminated It In 5 Minutes!
Saw this hack for oven cleaning and I won’t do anything else again
I tried this at a bridal shower and just had to have the recipe!
Lemon Zest Cake Recipe
Creamy Caramel Custard Pie!!!