Prepare the Onion Peels: Get rid of and set aside the dry, outer layers of the onions.
Simmer the Water: Bring 2 liters of water to a rolling boil in a large pot.
Add the Onion Peels: Drop the onion peels into the boiling water and reduce the heat to a gentle simmer.
Boil: Allow the peels to steep for about 30 minutes
Refine the Tea: Get rid of heat, purify the liquid, and discard the peels.
Enjoy: Serve warm and add a teaspoon of honey if desired.
How to Use This Remedy
Drink one cup of onion peel tea twice a day to achieve max benefits—once in the morning and once before bedtime.
Precautions to Keep in Mind
Avoid excessive consumption, because onions have a natural blood-thinning effect.
Meet a healthcare provider if you have suffering medical conditions or take prescription medications.
Preparing the natural healing power of onions and their peels is a simple yet effective way to improve your bladder and prostate health. This easy-to-make tea provides a holistic approach to urinary wellness!
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