In an unprecedented and downright bizarre twist in the ongoing media wars, NBC Comcast has taken ABC off the air, declaring that the rival network “owes the American people an apology.” While corporate feuds are nothing new in the media landscape, this latest clash has raised eyebrows for its boldness—and for what seems to be the underlying cause: ABC’s controversial handling of the recent presidential debate, particularly the now-infamous fact-checking of former President Donald Trump by moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis.
Wholesome Chickpea Salad
The ole fashioned candy apples
Recipe: Homemade cheese with 1 litre of milk, half a lemon and 1 yoghurt
Legendary act0r Dustin H0ffman secretly fights cancer and wins; here’s his st0ry.
C,C,TV Reveals Moment…
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How To Make Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup
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