A New Take on a Classic
The new CBS series “Matlock” is set to captivate audiences with its fresh take on the classic legal drama from the ’80s and ’90s, which originally ran for nine seasons. In the reboot, Kathy Bates stars as Madeline “Matty” Matlock, a clever attorney with a hidden agenda who maneuvers her way into a prestigious Chicago law firm. While viewers might think they have figured out her motives by the end of the first hour, Bates promises that surprises and twists will keep unfolding right up to the final episode.
Reflecting on her role, the Oscar-winning actress shared, “Matlock has an agenda that not everyone knows about. I love playing all those different notes.” When asked if she anticipated landing a role like this at 75, Bates described it as a career milestone, an extraordinary gift to have such a role at this stage in her career. She admitted she never imagined she’d enjoy a third act quite like this one.
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