Many years ago, people would take their dirty clothes down to the river and beat them against a rock. These days, you put them in a machine, and in an hour, they are finished.The interesting little device we have in these pictures made it easier for people to do their laundry. Considering all of the different steps that are necessary through the process, including hauling the water, boiling it, washing, rinsing, wringing the clothes out, and drying, it was quite a process.
Lemon-Infused Chia Elixir for Fat Elimination
Try this Magic Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe !
Zesty Marinated Peppers Recipe
The Best Southern Fried Okra Recipe
Crockpot Cheesesteak Potato Casserole
Put raw chicken thighs in a slow cooker with these 3 ingredients. The result is tender, sweet, and savory perfection.
Delicious mango banana bread recipe
How To Make Beef Bourguignon
Yellowish stains on clothes: 6 homemade and cheap solutions to whiten them