Have you noticed a lump on your wrist or near a joint ? At first glance, it may seem harmless, but in fact, it could indicate a problem that requires medical attention . Many people ignore it until it starts to cause discomfort, pain, or even limitations in movement.

In this article, we explain what can cause this bump, its symptoms and when it is necessary to consult a specialist .
🔍 What does this bump on my wrist or other joint mean?
When a bump appears on the wrist, back of the hand, fingers, or even knees and feet, it is most often due to an abnormal accumulation of synovial fluid . This fluid is responsible for lubricating the joints, but in some cases it can leak and form a small sac or cyst.
Although in most cases it is not dangerous , in some cases it can become painful, affect movement or even press on nearby nerves, causing numbness and weakness in the affected area.
⚠️ Symptoms not to ignore
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