Answer: A commenter clarified that they thought they were meant to be a gag gift. The person using them is intended to put the nude part around their ear so the white part sticks out, and it seems like the person has a Q-tip sticking out of their ear.
Austrian Objects
A traveler visiting Austria found a strange object on the road. They clarified that they were in Innsbruck, Austria, and had seen the phallic symbol on the road while walking around. They wanted to know what it was.
Answer: Netizens quickly came to the person’s aid, telling them it was a bollard that showed direction in Austria. Many people told the original poster that they could be seen throughout Austria.
Housewarming Gift Mystery
One person got a strange housewarming gift without knowing how to use it. It was a half marble and half wood item with two small dips and a tiny silver spoon. The person asked netizens if anyone had any idea what it was.
Easy and Delicious Weight-Loss Flatbreads
Recipe in 10 minutes – These are awesome, fantastic garlic flatbreads
I Didn’t Expect This! The Hair on My Bald Spot is Growing Like Crazy! 100% Efficiency!
Disaster In The W0rld 0f C0untry Music. We M0urnfully Ann0unce The Demise 0f…
„A semiaquatic lizard, the diving anole, uses a head bubble to breathe underwater, evading land predators.”
How To Make Cowboy Quiche
Vegan Baked Eggplant and Zucchini
These bugs come out at nighttime, and attacking victims, they silently kill or leave them with a lifelong infection
Libs are FREAKING out that Elon Musk shared hysterical Kamala parody video