A dessert that strikes the perfect balance: moist yet fluffy, sticky with just the right hint of crunch. Sweetened to delight, but not overwhelmingly so – the essence of what a treat should encapsulate.
At first glance, these bars may seem like ordinary confections. But a single bite reveals a flavor that’s nothing short of captivating. They are the quintessential accompaniment to potlucks, picnics, and social gatherings.
It’s a delightful paradox when something so uncomplicated tastes so luxurious. The beauty of these bars lies in their simplicity. With minimal effort and using staples likely found in your pantry, you can whip up a batch that’s sure to be a crowd-pleaser. Enjoy every bite!
For the Base (Dandruff Layer):
1 box of unprepared dry yellow cake mix
8 tablespoons of melted butter
1 egg
For the Sticky Layer:
8 oz. soft cream cheese
2 eggs, whipped
16 oz. powdered sugar
Continue reading ingredients & instructions on the next page
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