The Christmas star is certainly one of the traditional plants, among the best that can be found during the holiday period. It is a welcome gift, with bright, bright colors and impeccable style. Even those with a green thumb always wonder what the ideal position is in the house, so that it can flower all year round and grow healthily. You have to be careful, but with a few simple steps you can have an impeccable Christmas star all year round. Let’s find out together how to do it?
Christmas star: history and tradition:
The botanical name is Euphorbia pulcherrima but we all know it as the Christmas Star. With its beautiful bright red color that contrasts with the bright green of the leaves. Almost no one knows that it is native to Mexico and if left in nature it can reach up to 3 meters in height.
Here in Italy it is a symbol of the Christmas tradition , ideal for warming the house with its color or as a gift with a meaning that brings back friendship or as a good luck charm for the new year. Its name originates from tradition, in fact since the end of the nineteenth century it has always been the official gift for American ambassadors and then gradually this custom spread.
Its red leaves and its elegant shape were then linked to Christmas and tradition, not only here in our country but in every part of the world. The stars are not flowers, but leaves of the plant itself which turn intense red during the winter.
The real flower is called Ciazo and is the yellow gem that can be glimpsed, without petals and that forms among the red leaves during the cold winter. Unlike many other plants, the Christmas star is born and grows in mountain areas where there is no shortage of temperature changes and a temperate climate.
This plant cannot tolerate temperatures that do not exceed 12°C, which is why it is very important that it has a correct position inside the house, especially during the cold season.
It is certainly a very particular plant and is linked to many Mexican and non-Mexican legends. The most famous accompanies the tradition of giving gifts before Christmas arrives: in fact, it is said to be a way to open the hearts of the saddest and most closed people, rediscovering love and kindness for others.
Where to place the Christmas Star in the house?
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