How to make it for maximum production (Page 3 ) | February 2, 2024
- Plant the seed potatoes with their eyes facing up in the soil layer.
- Set them apart by roughly 6 inches.
- Add more dirt and compost on top of them.
5. Keep Building Up:
- As the potato plants grow, continue to cover the stems with more soil-compost mix and add layers of straw around the tower’s sides, keeping only the top few inches of the plant visible.
- More potatoes grow along the buried stems as a result of this.
6. Maintenance and Watering:
- Frequent watering of the tower will keep the soil damp but not soggy.
- Refrain from overwatering as this can cause decay.
7. Gathering:
- When the foliage begins to yellow and die back, potatoes are ready to be harvested.
- To reach the potatoes, carefully remove the dirt and straw off the tower’s sides.
Extra Advice
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