ABC’s decision to pair Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens for its new late-night show, provisionally titled “The New Late Night,” marks a bold departure from the comedic and often politically liberal content of “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” The network believes this dynamic duo will bring fresh perspectives and invigorate the late-night scene with engaging debates and discussions.
Emily Watts, ABC’s head of programming, highlighted the excitement surrounding this new venture: “We are excited to introduce Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens as the new faces of our late-night lineup. Their unique perspectives and ability to spark thought-provoking conversations will bring a new energy to late-night television.”
Candace Owens, known for her fearless commentary and strong conservative viewpoints, expressed her excitement about joining the new show. “I’m thrilled to embark on this journey with Tucker and bring something new to late-night television,” Owens said. “This show will be a platform for open, honest discussions on the issues that matter most to Americans.”
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