The clean towel in the washing machine will facilitate the removal of water by absorbing it itself along with the spin cycle. In fact, when the washing machine has finished, you will notice how the clothes are barely damp. All that remains is to hang the clothes well, leaving a little distance between the clothes so that air can pass through better and facilitate drying. Again, if possible, spread outdoors and in the sun . This way your clothes will dry in just 15 minutes. If this is not possible, you can always hang out at home, perhaps by placing the clothesline in front of a radiator.

There are some items that cannot be washed in the washing machine but must be washed by hand, such as pure wool sweaters. How to do in this case? The process is simple and you will always need a towel. After washing and wringing your sweater well, take a clean towel and spread it on a shelf.
Spread the sweater on the towel and begin to roll it tightly to absorb any remaining water. Roll the towel to the end and press well to remove all the water from the sweater. Then unroll everything and arrange to spread out the “hand-spun” sweater.