Clean bicycle chains
For bicycle chains, tape two old toothbrushes together with the bristles facing inward. Insert the chain between the brushes and rotate. This method effectively removes grease and dirt.
Clean hairbrushes
Use an old toothbrush to scrub along the grooves of your hairbrush after dipping it in water mixed with a cleaning solution. The bristles help remove dirt and dandruff residue easily.
Clean the bottom of cups
The bottoms of cups and narrow bottles can be hard to clean. An old toothbrush is an ideal tool for reaching these tricky spots and ensuring thorough cleaning.
Scrub hard-to-reach toilet corners
To clean the hard-to-reach areas of the toilet, heat the toothbrush handle over a flame and bend it into an L-shape. Add some toilet cleaner and scrub the tough spots with ease.
Polish jewelry
Jewelry often has small, intricate details that are difficult to clean. Dip an old toothbrush in a cleaning solution and gently brush the surface of your jewelry to remove dirt and restore shine.
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