Collect all ingredients in a quarter-liter Ziploc bag and seal it tightly. shake to blend all ingredients fully .
Generously cover each side of the steak with spices and let them rest for about 40 minutes. This allows the salt to penetrate across the surface (through osmosis) and actually help break down the muscle fibers, resulting in tenderer meat. During this time, the liquid that appeared initially has time to reabsorb, making the meat juice.
Once the grill is nice and hot, place the steak (s) and cook for 4-5 minutes, until brown and slightly charred. Turn it over and cook for the next extra time :
+5 minutes: Medium Rare
+7 minutes: medium
+10 minutes: Well done
Enjoy !
Polish sausage, Sauerkraut and potatoes ( CROCKPOT )
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Whole Roasted Cauliflower
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