To do this, place a few leaves in a pot with water and let them boil for at least 15 minutes. The aroma of the leaves will fill the house and eliminate all the bad odors present.
A bowl with water, coarse salt and bay leaves, that’s what it’s for
A tip that many will probably follow is to fill a bowl with water, bay leaves and salt that keep insects away, as they give off a repellent smell, unpleasant for most animals and insects such as flies and mosquitoes.
coarse salt mixture
If you open a window in the summer, the house is practically the target of any type of insect. If you want to prevent this from happening, simply soak a cotton ball in the solution and then leave it on the windowsill or on the windowsill concerned.
The smell released by the wad will be enough to keep any insect away, thus protecting the environment of the house for a long time. Alternatively, you can fill a bowl with water, salt and bay leaves. The bowl is placed on the windowsill or in strategic corners of the house.
The effects will be visible almost immediately and will be even better than when using pesticides that are bad for health and can have devastating consequences on humans and animals.
Salt and bay leaf, superstitious rites
The same method, coarse salt and bay leaves among others, is among the superstitious rites. Both ingredients are used to keep bad luck away from the house.
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