The real turning point in Simon’s career came with the launch of Pop Idol in 2001. Co-created with Simon Fuller, this show catapulted Simon into stardom with his distinctive, often blunt judging style. The show’s success led to its American counterpart, American Idol, which became a television sensation. Simon’s role on American Idol earned him substantial fame and financial success, with his salary reflecting the show’s enormous popularity.
Simon’s involvement in talent shows didn’t stop there. He went on to create and judge The X Factor, both in the UK and US, and was a key figure in America’s Got Talent and Britain’s Got Talent. His talent for recognizing and nurturing public interest in entertainment was a major factor in his financial success, with earnings peaking at $36 million in 2008, and exceeding $50 million in 2020. His estimated net worth stands around $600 million.
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