This confession split Twitter into two camps: one calling the barista soft and entitled, and the other defending them, pointing out that exploitation of workers can take many forms.
In the video, the barista passionately explains:
„People wonder why we need a union at Starbucks. I am literally about to quit. Like, I don’t know if I’m going to do it. But like I really want to, I almost walked out today.

„And I’m crying in the back room right now. I almost cried on the floor. I’m a full time student, I get scheduled for 25 hours a week.
„And then on weekends, they scheduled me the entire day, open to close, that one’s scheduled for eight and half hours, both Saturday and Sunday.
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If you have one of these plants in your house, take care of it, because you have a treasure and you don’t know it.
From the moment I stumbled upon this recipe, I had a feeling it would be phenomenal. And oh boy, was I right! So incredibly delicious!
Classic Ambrosia Salad
Homemade Lasagna with minced meat