How to Spot Plastic Rice:
The Water Test: Drop a tablespoon of your rice into a glass of water and stir it. Genuine rice grains will sink to the bottom, whereas plastic grains are likely to float due to their lighter density.
The Fire Test: Take a few grains of rice and hold them over a flame with a pair of tongs. Real rice will char and burn, emitting a toasted scent. Plastic rice will melt and possibly emit a plastic smell.
The Mortar and Pestle Test: Crush a few grains with a mortar and pestle. Real rice should powder easily and feel gritty. Plastic grains will not break down as easily and may have a more elastic texture.
The Boil Test: Boil a small sample of rice. Keep an eye on the water. If you notice a thick layer of residue that looks unusual, it might be indicative of impurities. Real rice will have some starch that floats to the top but it shouldn’t leave behind a significant residue.
The Mold Test: Cook some rice and let it sit in a warm place for two or three days. If it’s real rice, it will mold. Plastic rice will remain clear of mold due to its inorganic nature.
Cauliflower and Vegetable Bake
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Presenting Dakota Striplin’s Enchanting Ability on “The Voice”
I think this is the top version I’ve done, it’s mouth-watering!
2 cups young sorrel leaves and stems, rinsed and coarsely chopped
Chicken, Mushroom, and Spinach Lasagna
My hubby was about to remove his on his own! Glad I saw this first!