In May, Hearts for Paws, a rescue based in California, shared the sad story of a a 3-year-old black Labrador retriever who had been surrendered to their care.
The dog, named Godric, was brought him by his family after he reportedly bit their baby who had crawled into his food bowl. But the family didn’t just want to give their dog up — they also wanted Godric to be euthanized.
Thankfully the shelter didn’t go through with putting Godric to sleep, and Hearts for Paws reported that he was a “sweet” dog. “It was hard to believe his family wanted him euthanized,” they wrote in a video.
But when they saw Godric playing with another dog in their yard, it led to another heartbreaking discovery: the other dog, 6-year-old Sadie, had been surrendered by the very same family weeks prior, reportedly because she “growled” at the baby.
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