The reactivation of the virus can be due to these factors:
– Advanced age: Older people are at higher risk, as the immune system tends to weaken with age.
– Stress: High-tension situations can weaken the immune system and facilitate the reactivation of the virus.
– Diseases: Conditions such as HIV/AIDS, cancer, or treatments such as chemotherapy can affect the body’s ability to fight infections.
– Immunosuppressants: Medications that suppress the immune system may increase the risk of reactivation.
– Shingles symptoms
Shingles symptoms can vary in intensity and duration, the most common ones are listed below:
1. Pain and burnin
One of the first symptoms people often experience is severe pain in a specific area of the body. This pain can feel like a stabbing or burning sensation and is often located on one side of the torso or face.
2. Skin rash
Once the pain begins, a rash characterized by blisters usually appears within a day or two. These blisters may be small and fluid-filled, and their appearance is similar to that of a burn.
The rash develops in a linear pattern that follows the path of the affected nerves.
3. Itching
Along with pain and rash, many people experience itching in the affeted area, this sensation can be very uncomfortable and persistent.
4. Sensitivity to touch
The affected skin may become extremely sensitive to touch, meaning that even a light touch can cause pain.
5. General symptoms
Some patients may also experience general symptoms such as fever, fatigue, headache and malaise, these symptoms usually appear before or during the onset of the rash.
– Myths and facts about shingles
Continued on next page:
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