Boy: I’m just four years old.
Operator: Four!
Boy: Certainly.
Operator: What’s the next issue? That was a difficult one.
Boy: Well, this one’s here. Five things to take away.
Operator: Five minus five, what do you think that is worth?
Boy: five
Female: Johnny What are you doing, exactly?
Boy: I’m getting help with my math from the policeman.
Woman: Did I mention that I was going to call you?
Operator: The mother is here.
Boy: You told me to call someone if I needed assistance.
Savory Herb-Infused Beef Noodle Delight
Grandma’s Ginger Remedy: A Natural Cleanser for Liver and Lungs
Amish Onion Fritters
“F0cus 0n Y0ur Music, Stay 0ut 0f 0ther things!”
Irresistible Better Than Anything Toffee
Roses, how to plant them without roots: the 100% functional method revealed
Green Thumbs Up: Grow Green Onions with Just a Towel and Water!
Caitlyn Jenner
Ironically, combining vinegar, detergent, and baking soda is worth its weight in gold.