- Cancer
If Cancer is the most sensitive of the Water signs , it is nonetheless a sign to be feared. Behind its gentleness and fragility, hides a person with formidable anger and a vengeance likely to freeze your blood. Indeed, if the native of this sign is hurt and holds a grudge against you , he will not hesitate to make you feel the same pain that you caused him. He must also be lenient with you, otherwise, he will make you feel this pain multiplied by 1000!
Also note that when it comes to expressing their anger against someone, Cancer has no limits. Even if you accidentally hurt them, without meaning to or planning to, you won’t escape their clutches, and they won’t show any mercy.
- Pisces
Their versatile and elusive nature pushes Pisces to swing between extremes. They can be gentle with you and show you how much they love you, or they can hate you deeply and wish the worst for you. This emotional instability they display toward others can drive away the people around them, as they are usually hurt by their attitude, which can be unpleasant and hurtful.
Pisces can have these kinds of paradoxical reactions with people close to them, but also towards people who awaken their personal insecurities.
- Scorpio
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