Common Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning
Some common cleaning practices can compromise the appearance of windows and mirrors, causing damage. For a flawless, streak-free result, it’s essential to avoid certain mistakes.
Many people still use newspaper or rough cloths to clean these surfaces. However, these materials can scratch windows and mirrors or leave lint and particles on the surface. It’s best to opt for a microfiber cloth or wipes specifically designed for this type of cleaning.
It is also not recommended to clean windows and mirrors in direct sunlight. Under UV rays, the cleaning product dries too quickly, making it difficult to wipe off and often leaving visible streaks and marks. Cleaning in the shade, indoors, or on a cloudy day is a much more effective alternative.
Finally, avoid using products that are too aggressive, such as ammonia. Although this component is known for its effectiveness, it can be too harsh and may damage your mirrors in the long term.
Likewise, oil-based or wax-based products can leave a film of residue behind, making subsequent cleaning more difficult. A homemade solution, like wood ash, is a gentle and effective option for delicate surfaces.
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