There should be more of an effort put into maintaining the bathroom as it is still one of the most aromatic rooms in the home. When you add in the unpleasant aromas of mildew, dampness, and pee, the bathroom quickly becomes an intolerable place to spend time. Our goal in providing you with these solutions is to eliminate these problems so that you may enjoy a more pleasant aroma.
This article explains how to deodorize your toilet using a clove-based mixture. Actually, you may use its powerful aroma to get rid of pee smells and other disagreeable scents. Everything you need to know to make your very own all-natural air freshener is laid out here.
How to Remove Urine Odors from Bathroom and Toilets – Source: spm
Cloves to get rid of pee smells?
Things you’ll require:
ten nails
A A one-liter water bottle
Fifteen tablespoons of soda for baking
Essential oils of your choice—a few drops each of mint, lemon, and lavender
The Ultimate Quick Fix: Homemade Pita Bread!
This recipe does not take much time, only 5 ingredients
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