In this regard, you have two options: either you melt them in a bain-marie or you pour them into a basin of boiling water . Both are fine, so feel free to choose based on your preferences. Maybe try both, so you can find out which ones you feel best with.
Let’s move on to the next step, that is, the adoption of the preparation. Place the mix on the non-abrasive side of a sponge or use a microfiber cloth . Then, rinse 2 or 3 times with the same cloth.
In the case of the sole, however, opt for an old, unused toothbrush , wetting it slightly. Apply a little force, without, of course, exaggerating, otherwise you will ruin the surface. The mixture can also be used indoors, although it would be preferable to be careful, so if it gets too wet, the shoe could develop bad odors due to the humidity.
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