The HEALTHIEST FRUIT on Earth: what happens to your body if you eat just 3 a day (Page 2 ) | March 16, 2025

Natural Energizer

If you feel tired and need an energy boost there is no need to consume unhealthy energy drinks full of sugar as adding a walnut to a halved date will increase your stamina instead.

Digestion Improvement

Constipation can be a very serious condition. In case you struggle with it then consume dates as the fiber in them will relieve the symptoms.

Anti-Inflammation Agents


In case you are experiencing swelling, dates can help you reduce it as they are rich in magnesium.

Natural Antioxidant

If you feel your body needs a detox try consuming dates. Fresh dates contain anthocyanidins and carotenoids, whereas dried dates contain polyphenols which help your body get rid of free radicals.

Balanced Blood Sugar Levels


Regulating and reducing high sugar levels in the blood demands both medications and consumption of food that doesn’t affect the levels rising. The low glycemic impact of dates helps in the regulation of symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

Blood Pressure Regulation

Doctors say that a daily intake of approximately 370 milligrams of magnesium is needed in order for the high blood pressure to be regulated. Typical serving of dates offers around 80 milligrams of the mineral.

Enhanced Brain Performance

Consuming dates may significantly enhance our memory. So if you are studying for an exam, dates can help you remember more of what you read. Researchers also believe that dates suppress early signs of diseases related to memory loss.


Thicken Bone Mass

Dates are rich with potassium, a mineral that helps keep the bones denser and healthier. People suffering from conditions such as osteoporosis and osteopenia say eating dates helps them with reducing the pain.

Natural Sweetener

Many moms use dates instead of artificial sweeteners when preparing healthy meals for their little ones.


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