One thing is for sure: cleaning a very dirty oven is a real chore. Fortunately, there is a simple trick to make the task easier. We emphasize the simplicity of this method because it cleans your appliance while you sleep. And it’s 100% natural! In this article, discover the steps to follow.
How to have a clean oven by morning?
Having a spotless oven without effort is possible thanks to this trick that you can perform overnight. Here’s how to do it:
- Preheat the oven: Start by preheating the oven to 80°C (176°F). While waiting, boil some water in a pot on your stove.
- Place the ingredients: Once the oven reaches 80°C, turn it off. Place a baking dish filled with white vinegar on the top rack, and put the pot of boiling water on the bottom rack. Leave it overnight with the oven door closed.
- In the morning: In the morning, carefully remove the vinegar dish (without emptying it), the pot, and the racks.
- Ventilate the oven: Open the oven door for a few moments to allow the vinegar steam to escape.
- Scrub: Add a small amount of dish soap to the vinegar. With gloves on, soak a sponge in this solution and scrub the oven walls. Finally, a quick rinse and a wipe-down will leave your oven sparkling.
The secret behind this miraculous technique
see continuation on next page
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