The Purpose of Those Little Strings on Bananasui
Have you ever wondered about those little strings on bananas? You know, the ones that appear when you peel back the yellow skin? Well, they actually serve a purpose! These pesky strings, known as “phloem bundles,” are an essential part of the banana’s structure.Phloem bundles are responsible for transporting nutrients from the leaves to the fruit. They play a vital role in the development and well-being of the banana plant. Although they may not be the most appetizing, they are completely edible
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The Amazing Benefits of Castor Oil: My 30-Day Journey
Salted caramel Kentucky butter cake !!!!
Orange fluff
Grandma’s Old-Fashioned Bread Pudding with Vanilla Sauce
A Glass Of This Juice Everyday… Reverse Clogged Arteries & Lower High Blood Pressure
Did you know what the drawer under your stove is really for? Most people don’t!
Tamales Recipe
The Most Effective Way to Clear Your Lungs: Cough and Mucus Gone in 3 Days with Lemon Water!
Easy Egg Custard