However, despite his mother’s unwavering support, Jono’s early years were characterized by a lack of understanding from the outside world.
Jono began to realize who he was when he started school. It did not take him long to realize that he did not look like his classmates.
I had the impression that I was the only one in the world who was similar to me and that I was on my own. Even though some people are fortunate enough to win the jackpot or go on to become physicians, lawyers, or professional football players, I always wondered, “Why did I have to end up looking like this?” stated during an Adelaide Now interview.
It’s critical to understand that Treacher Collins syndrome has no bearing whatsoever on a child’s IQ. The appearance of Jono was all that his classmates were interested in. When he would approach, they would make faces and flee, claiming they didn’t want to contract his “disease.”
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