What two ingredients to use as fertilizer?
Nature offers a number of ingredients that should not only be used as food, but also to nourish the plants in the garden. Two ingredients in particular, when mixed, help plants grow strong and healthy.
The first ingredient is eggshell, which should never be thrown away wet. Few people know that they are a very interesting source of calcium, useful for keeping all plant species healthy. Simply let them dry in the sun and then grind them to make an eggshell meal. They can then be used alone or with another main ingredient.

Banana peels should never be thrown away, as they contain a unique amount of minerals, such as potassium and magnesium, which are essential for plant nutrition and growth. The husks become compost when used directly, added to the soil in small pieces, or boiled for about an hour until a nutrient-rich liquid is formed.

On the one hand eggshells, on the other banana peels : two ingredients and waste that are often thrown into the organic waste bin. It’s best to conserve them and use them together wisely to create a powerful fertilizer for your vegetable garden and garden.
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