Mel’s Hole is an urban legend that has captured the imagination of mystery and paranormal enthusiasts for decades. Discovered in the 1990s by Mel Waters, this bottomless hole in Washington State in the United States defies rational explanation. According to stories, this dizzyingly deep well never fills up, no matter how much trash is thrown into it. This phenomenon has led to a series of disturbing and inexplicable events, fueling rumors of a connection to the paranormal and military secrets.
The Origin of Mel’s Hole
Mel Waters, a resident of the Ellensburg, Washington area, discovered this mysterious hole on his property, a circular pit measuring 9 feet in diameter. Originally used as a dump for household items, Mel quickly realized that no matter how much trash was thrown into the hole, it never filled up. Curious to see how far down the pit could possibly go, Mel attached a fishing line to a lead weight and lowered it into the hole. After unrolling over 5,000 feet of line, the weight still hadn’t reached the bottom, and Mel continued to try until he reached 15 miles without success.
Strange Phenomena Around the Hole
The more Mel explored the hole, the more inexplicable events occurred. Animals, especially dogs, refused to approach the well, behaving as if they sensed an invisible threat. There was no sound, no resonance, when objects were thrown into the hole. Even radios behaved strangely near the well, picking up distant radio stations or broadcasts from the past, such as a 1967 baseball game.
The animals’ behavior wasn’t the only disturbing element. One of Mel’s neighbors told a startling story: after throwing the body of his deceased dog into the hole, the animal reappeared alive a few days later, still wearing its collar. However, the dog didn’t seem to recognize its owner, as if it came from another world.
Scientific Discoveries and Government Response
In 1997, Mel shared his story on the popular radio show Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell, a show known for its explorations of paranormal phenomena. This public revelation caught the attention of the government, which quickly blocked access to Mel’s property. Military helicopters began to hover over the area, and armed men prevented Mel from accessing his land. The government cited an alleged plane crash as justification for their presence, although Mel found no evidence of this.
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