While Preserving Healthy Cells, Dandelion Tea Kills Cancer Cells in Just 48 Hours!
The Miracle Plant That Destroys Cancer Cells in Only 48 Hours—One Hundred Times More Effective Than Chemotherapy!
Despite its many useful medical qualities, this plant is frequently disregarded. Picking dandelion flowers from a field free of dirt and vehicles is all that’s required.
The medicinal properties of dandelion syrup were known to our grandparents, but today we know that dandelion root can aid cancer patients. Cancer cells can be destroyed more effectively by the roots of this plant than by chemotherapy, according to scientists.
New hope for cancer sufferers has been revealed by a study conducted by the Canadian Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Dandelions roots “kill” cancer cells while sparing healthy cells from damage, according to research. The research found that dandelions kill cancer cells in around 48 hours.
The research team got more funding to keep studying this plant because of the amazing results—constant therapy with it can kill the biggest cancer cell.
The curative powers of dandelions were felt by 72-year-old John Di Carlo. He started drinking dandelion root tea after three years of trying several therapies without success. His full recovery took place about four months after that.
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