If the stones are persistent, larger, or causing significant discomfort, it may be necessary to visit a healthcare professional for removal. In severe or recurring cases of tonsil stones, a doctor may recommend a tonsillectomy, which is the removal of the tonsils. This procedure is generally considered a last resort, as it can come with risks and potential complications. However, it is an effective solution for those who suffer from frequent or problematic tonsil stones.

Roasted Parmesan Creamed Onions
Grandma’s Delicious Purslane Recipe: Better Than Meat!
Green Thumbs Up: Grow Green Onions with Just a Towel and Water!
This hack is so clever!
Cookies for a Healthy Indulgence
A ‘magic’ button defrosts a car’s windshield in seconds – and some drivers had no idea
French Onion Soup Stuffed Potatoes
This recipe was just delish! I cooked up a double batch so I would be able freeze some for later
Don’t throw away leftover polystyrene