Your goal is to find the famous spare key. And it seems like you’ve found it; you won’t be caught out again. Sometimes you can find it at the bottom of your bag. If not, you decide to take public transportation to get it from home… but are you sure you’ll be able to get your hands on it once you get home? No!
So the only solution left is to call a specialist. Oh, insurance? When you get the bill, you’ll probably feel dizzy! They’ll have to bypass the anti-theft device; start making a duplicate, or even find the wave frequency that will allow them to open your car. Expect to pay around a hundred euros, but depending on the work involved, this amount could triple or even quadruple . Suffice to say, your goal will be to find a much less expensive solution.
Check if any other doors are open or not properly closed
This is sometimes the case with the rear doors; your child may have closed one of them incorrectly. It’s also possible that the trunk isn’t closed properly . You can then get into the passenger compartment and take back the reins of your car. Fate and luck have been on your side this time.
3 tips for opening a door if you forgot your keys
The noose to open a car
If by chance your vehicle is a little old, you will be able to move the door away from the chassis a little. You will then need to get a shoelace and make a slip knot then slide it through the gap . Then with agility and patience, you will be able to reach the door opening latch and operate it from above.
If you have a wire coat hanger, the previous trick might be easier to perform using this object. Still passing between the seal and the door, you can reach the locking block and activate it to release the entire system .
You can open a car with a tennis ball

Forgotten keys in the car: What to do as a last resort?
We can consider calling the police as a last resort.
Police officers are fighting against vehicle theft. When calling them, you will need to be able to prove that you are the owner of the vehicle: have an ID card, failing that, the vehicle documents, which are often inside the car. A quick check through the vehicle registration system and you can count on them. What you should also know is that the police will only be able to intervene in the event of traffic obstruction or endangerment of others . The officers call a tow truck, which will incur quite a high cost, which will be your responsibility.
From now on, if you find yourself in a similar situation, there is no doubt that these few tips will be of great use to you.
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