Use A Few Ingredients, They Will Help You Say Goodbye To Big Pores (Page 4 ) | August 21, 2024
4. Juice from lemons and pineapples
Incorporate a couple of drops of lemon juice into two tablespoons of pineapple juice. After dipping a delicate cloth in the mixture, apply it to the face. After ten minutes, wash your face with water to remove the mask. Pineapple is a fantastic cure for reducing the size of big pores since it includes several enzymes. Because of its acidity, lemon juice will have an astringent effect.
Number five: tomatoes and lemon juice
Blend two tomatoes into a smooth purée. To make a thick paste, add a few drops of lemon juice and stir well. Paste the damaged regions of your face with the mixture. After fifteen to twenty minutes, wash it off. The acidity of tomatoes and lemons will draw excess oil from your skin while simultaneously cleansing your pores.
Next: Mix baby oil and cloves, and after 10 seconds you will never use anything else in your life.
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