Lindon Beckford has worked at a hospital for more than 30 years. His job is to take patients from the operating room to their ward. This may not sound like a very important position, but when you hear what this amazing man does for the people he cares for, you’ll understand that he really makes huge difference in their stay at the hospital and makes it the most pleasant and calming it can get.
He is well aware that these patients may feel scared and anxious, so he’s always going an extra mile and makes sure they feel relieved by putting a smile on their face.
Ham and Cheese Crescent Rolls Casserole
Quick & Easy No-Sugar Jam for a Delightful Breakfast
Slow Cooker Lasagna Soup Recipe
Put raw chicken drumsticks in a slow cooker with these 3 ingredients. You’ll want it every night.
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Fried Chocolate Donuts
Smoked Sausage and Cheese Potato Casserole
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