Speaking to CBS News in 2018, Will talked about a letter he had written to himself after his parents died.
“I’ve got good news and bad news. I’ll start with the bad, because you always need to know exactly what’s going on, no matter what. That won’t change, by the way. The bad news is: You’re at the lowest point of your life. You’re in a hospital room in New York City, and you’ve just said your final goodbye to Mom,” he wrote. “You’re 13. She’s 44. Lung cancer. Never smoked. Gone, just like Dad, who died a year-and-a-half ago, which at the time was the lowest you had been. Now you’re at a new bottom and you’re terrified and confused and just so sad. But! Here’s the good news: this is the low point. There’s nowhere to go but up, and that’s exactly where you’re headed.”
What an inspirational young man Will Reeve is.
Despite having to endure the loss of both of his parents at such a young age, he is honoring their memories with his attitude and achievements every day.
I know his parents would have been so proud of what this young man has already achieved. He is such an inspiration.
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