Life is full of precious and memorable moments. Fortunately, we have cameras, social media profiles, and other technologies that allow us to stay in touch with those we love, and capture memories to have forever.
Here are 15 heartwarming moments caught on camera to remind us that life is short and that cherishing the people we care about is important.

Sweet potato recipe
Boost Your Health and Well-being with Ginger and Cloves
Broccoli Chicken Divan Recipe
How To Make Sauerkraut Caserole
Fig Leaf Oil: Our Grandparents’ Ancient Healing Recipe
Why Grow Old When We Can Be Forever Young! Slow Down Aging with Olive Oil, Lemon Juice, and Honey
DIY Mosquito Repellent Mason Jars for a Bite-Free Summer
Combine grated ginger, onion, garlic, lemon juice, and honey. Here’s how to prepare it
Diabetic Lemon Ricotta Cake!!!!