The only downside is that dracaena is toxic to cats and dogs. So if you have pets, it’s best to avoid it!
Maintenance is very easy here, with watering every week and no need to prune it.
4. Ficus
Ficus are one of my favorites because they can grow a lot depending on the pot you use. They have great air purifying properties.
Ficus removes benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde from indoor air.
Maintenance is just as simple as that of the previous plants, since it only needs to be watered once a week and its leaves misted to keep it happy.
5. The Lily of Peace
Not only does the peace lily have beautiful flowers, but this plant is virtually indestructible.
Also called “spatiphyllum”, this plant has flowers all summer long. It prefers shady locations with humidity, but avoiding excess water in the pot. Simply let the soil dry out on the surface between waterings.
This beautiful plant is perfect for removing ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene from indoor air.
6. Boston Fern
Home » 9 Indoor Plants That Clean the Air and Are Nearly Indestructible.
9 Indoor Plants That Clean the Air and Are Almost Indestructible.
What is more polluted: indoor air or outdoor air?
10 times out of 10, the air in your home, office or apartment is more polluted than the air outside.
Indoor air is among the top 5 risks to your health.
Stagnant air in your home causes toxic pollutants to build up and cling everywhere inside.
Additionally, most of the furniture in our homes releases toxic chemicals, such as formaldehyde, for example.
You can also be affected by pollutants that cling to pollen, bacteria, mold and other outdoor contaminants that find their way into your home.
Fortunately, there are air-purifying indoor plants that can help us purify and improve air quality.
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