Cracked heels can be a painful and unaesthetic nuisance for many people. However, this condition can be effectively treated with a little-known but effective natural remedy: potato and lemon paste. Before diving into the details of this home remedy, first understand the causes of cracked heels.
Causes of cracked heels: Cracked heels are usually caused by excessive dryness of the skin around them. Several factors may contribute to this condition:
Insufficient hydration: The skin around the heels is naturally thicker and drier than other parts of the body. If it is not hydrated regularly, it may become dry and cracked.
Wear open shoes: Shoes such as sandals, flip-flops or high heels can cause dry and cracked heels, as they expose the skin to dry air.
Excessive pressure: Overweight or obesity can put extra pressure on your feet and heels, helping to form crackles on the skin.
Nutritional deficiencies: Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, vitamin C and zinc can also cause dry skin and chapping.
Medical conditions: Medical conditions such as diabetes or hypothyroidism may cause dry, cracked skin, including around the heels.
Poor hygiene: Poor foot hygiene can promote the growth of bacteria and fungi on the skin, resulting in dryness and crevices.
Effective home remedy: Potato and lemon paste has proven to be a popular and effective remedy against cracked heels.
Here’s how to prepare it:
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