Toilets are often prone to bad odors and limescale deposits. Rather than using harsh chemicals, there is a natural, economical and ecological solution: the tea bag .
Why use a tea bag in the toilet?
Tea contains tannins with antibacterial and deodorizing properties. When placed in water, it releases agents that absorb bad odors and help gently clean the toilet.
How to use it?
After you’ve prepared and consumed your tea, don’t throw away the bag. Use it to clean your toilet using one of two methods:
Method 1: Leave on overnight
Place one or two tea bags directly into the bowl before going to bed.
Leave it on overnight to release its cleaning properties.
In the morning, remove the bags and lightly scrub the toilet walls with a brush.
Flush the toilet: the bad smells will have disappeared and the bowl will be cleaner.
Continued on the next page
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