Eliminate mold and dirt from your windows, there is a very simple method that requires natural ingredients. Here’s what it is.
Whether old or new, windows and doors are extremely susceptible to mold and grime . This is due to the fact that mold is a fungus that tends to proliferate in places with high humidity and often in contact with water. In fact, windows and doors often create condensation due to the temperature difference that occurs between the outside temperature and that inside the house. A phenomenon that mainly occurs in winter and during rainy months. This mold growth is not only aesthetically unpleasant, but can also harm the health of those who live with this fungus at home. It is for this reason that its elimination and prevention are necessary.
To eliminate this problem you don’t need any complicated or expensive techniques, just follow our tips and our short guide to get rid of mold. Let’s see together all the dynamics that give rise to the formation of the fungus and how to stop its appearance.
The main cause of mold is condensation :
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