A heartwarming story emerged recently, highlighting the bravery of Chase Poust, a seven-year-old boy who saved his family from a perilous situation by swimming for help. The incident occurred on Memorial Day weekend, May 28th, when Chase, his father Steven, and four-year-old sister Abigail went out boating near Mandarin Point in Jacksonville, Florida.
The family had anchored their boat on the St. Johns River, with the plan for Steven to enjoy some fishing while Chase and Abigail swam nearby. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse when the current proved stronger than Steven had anticipated. Little Abigail, who was wearing a life jacket, was suddenly pulled away from the boat.
In a heartwarming interview with news channel WJXT, Chase recounted the terrifying moment: “The current was so strong that my sister … and she let go. So, I let go of the boat and grabbed her, and then, I was stuck.”
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