Four large potatoes
Two cups with fresh haché persil soup
One cuillère filled with chicken soup or mashed green onions
2 cuillères à soupe de maïs fécule
One coffee spoonful of salt (or to taste)
Half a cup of black pepper with coffee
Friture oil
My Grandmother Used To Do This To Me Whenever I Felt Bad
Love making a huge batch of this and freezing for later! Quick and easy meal!
Fresh Fruit and Milk Delight
How to Remove Water Spots and Heat Stains from Wood Furniture
Buffalo Chicken Zucchini Boats
1 Drink That Will Remove Stubborn Belly Fat | MELT BELLY FAT! No Exercise, No Diet!
Scent your entire house just by vacuuming with a simple trick
Trump says he’ll ask Elon Musk to lead government efficiency commission if he wins election