Four large potatoes
Two cups with fresh haché persil soup
One cuillère filled with chicken soup or mashed green onions
2 cuillères à soupe de maïs fécule
One coffee spoonful of salt (or to taste)
Half a cup of black pepper with coffee
Friture oil
I Don’t Buy Pizza Anymore! Discover a Healthier and Tastier Alternative
How To Make Italian Stromboli
Just Stick a Bay Leaf in a Lemon! The Effect is Amazing!
Simple Delights: Spinach and Green Onion Pan Flatbread
A son took his mother to a nursing home, where he visited her from time to time. One day he was called because his mother was not feeling well
If You Find These Holes In Your Clothes – You Better Know What It Means
Steak Bites Loaded Baked Potatoes
How to Polish Mirrors and Make the Whole Bathroom Scented
Has announced a complete ban of Bud Light from all of his concerts.